scrap 'n' chat

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Well, the tooth fairy forgot to come last night didn't she! Luckily, she popped in while DD6 was having breakfast (phew) so she was really happy to get $2.00.
The school had a dress up day today with a gold coin donation to raise money for Diabetes Australia and there were some excellent costumes. My 2 went as 'evil' fairies just to be a bit different. Not a bad effort since I didn't know until the night before that they were supposed to dress up.

Forgot it was school swimming for dd6 as well so had to go home and get her swim stuff. Don't know where my brain is atm.

The local shops got into the spirit of things and quite a few of them were offering lollies and treats to kids who came in dressed up. There was a mass exodus from the school gates at 3.30 straight down the street to the shops. The kids had a great time even if it got a bit crowded!

We only had 2 trick or treaters come round this year which is a bit of a shame as we had a big bowl of chupa chups and other lollies waiting but I bet they won't go to waste......!

Guess what I didn't do? Take a photo of the girls dressed up. Had my camera with me too - doh!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Just when you think everything is going smoothly....

Had to pick dd6 up from the school today. She'd managed to fall on her face, knock out a tooth (luckily it was already wobbly) and got a blood nose. When I went to get her, the poor thing was still shaking in shock and the front of her uniform was covered in blood.
She was most worried about her tooth though and the fact that she couldn't find it. Had to reassure her that the tooth fairy would find it anyway.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

A scrapping weekend

It's been a bit of a scrapping weekend this weekend. Joined in the zigzag cc friday night and got a lo finished. DD10 also completed a lo so she was happy. Finished a second lo on saturday too.

Then today I helped out at the AED make and take stall at Paperific. That's always loads of fun and very busy but everyone has such a good time there. There were a few make and takes this year but I didn't get a chance to participate in any.

I did get a chance to shop though and succumbed to a beautiful bright blue glittery alphabet by K&CO. I also stocked up on some white Bazzil and some chipboard flowers. That's all!

Charmaine from zigzag dt introduced herself which was great. Took me a minute to realise who she was as it is so different seeing people irl to just looking at a photo (and esp. as charm only has a photo of half her face on the forum lol!)


Monday, October 23, 2006

I set up the gallery!

Managed to set up my gallery on the right hand side. I'm so pleased this is working. I still have to suss out how to get a photo of me uploaded but I'm getting there.

Paperific - Melbourne

I will be helping out at the Alison Ellis Make and Take Table on Sunday at Paperific. It's lots of fun and I get to meet loads of people so come up and say hi if you are there!
I'm looking forward to seeing what the stalls have as I haven't had a look in the shops for a while. I'm hoping there might be a couple of bargains:-)

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Well, I worked out how to get a slideshow on here but it has come up as an individual post. Now I need to work out how to get it so that it stays permanently on the side of the screen. This is going to be an interesting journey through cyber space :-)

I created a Slide Show! Check it out!

First Day

Well this is very exciting (for me at least!). I have joined my friends and now have my own blog.
I haven't yet worked out how to upload a photo of myself or my scrapping layouts but I am on my way.

Alison Ellis had their monthly cyber crop last night which was lots of fun as always and I managed to get a lo and a card done. The rest of the weekend has been spent painting woodwork in the house. One coat on saturday and another today. Still got heaps to do though.