scrap 'n' chat

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

So Proud again!

Stephen entered his triumph into the triumph car show on sunday and came 1st in class. He has a lovely little trophy to display now! Do you like his T-shirt? He ordered it from the USA and chose the colour of the car since his actual car is painted Jasmine (not as bright yellow thankfully).

This pic is Emma showing off her house captain badge. She wears it with pride everyday although she pins it in the centre for some reason and not where everyone else would pin it.

This is a layout I did for round 2 of Bonsscraps Big Challenge. We had to use red and blue and use a quote.
I've use the Fancy Pants Biggest Board frame and heart, Heidi Swapp Gerbera, MM paints, Prima flowers, HS alphas, L'il Davis rub-ons, plus some ribbon and brads.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

So Proud!

We are so proud of Emma, she was elected house captain for her school team on tuesday. She had to write a speech and read it out in front of her house and then the kids had to write down their preference.

I'll post a photo later but I will be offline for a while. Our noisy pc is going to the pc doctors sat morning as it is still under warranty and there is definitely something not quite right about it.
In the meantime I'll try to get some scrapping done so I've got something to upload when I'm back.

This month a happy birthday to my friends in England:
and my brother in law Mark.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Published At Last!

At last! After sending off my layout back in August, it has finally been published! this is the page (p53) in SM vol 8 no. 8 and it is a full page too! It is also on p56 with details of what I used.
Also congratulations to:

Vicky for her poppet layout 'cool baby' p54 (incorrectly credited to someone else unfortunately),

Lindsay for her poppet layout 'city girl' on p54;

Charmane for her 2 poppet layouts on p55 'poppet me' and p57 'I wish I was a hippy' and her 'Life is a balancing act' on p65;

Fleur with her lo 'Grandpa' p96.

I hope I haven't missed any one:-)

Also more exciting news - my prize pack from the Chatterbox Make It Meaningful Competition run last year finally arrived and I love what they have sent me:
There's a memory building kit 'chateaux', a doodle genie, 8 more 12x12 papers, 2 sets of sticker packs, 2 sets of chipboard alphas and a gorgeous mini album kit 'guest room'. Love all the colours and the selection of different things so thanks to Brett and Luisa at Addicted To Craft for sending this out:-)

A few scrapping things I did last weekend for cc's at Crafting In style and Little Scrap Book Shop. Lots of fun.

The 'mum' card was based on a sketch . I have used sei pp, autumn leaves flourishes stamp (that goes on just about everything I do lately), mm gameboard alphas and some vellum.
This was for LSBS and was a technique challenge. PP is sassafras lass. All I need to do now is decide what photos to put in it.
This layout had to use the word 'adore' and at least 3 hearts. I used a frame from the wonderful fancy pants big chipboard pack - I love it. I used Matisse Ink to colour it then stamped it with my favourite flourishes (of course). The wore 'adore' and the arrow were also from that pack and I did the same with them. The pp is Alison Ellis, the gorgeous red from the impressions range.
Another sketch challenge but also had to use 3 different pp's. I used Delish Designs, Urban Lily, and Also a selection of chipboard letters which I covered in kindyglitz (an idea I stole from Vicky - thanks Vicky!), MM cheeky jigsaw shapes, a K and Co puzzle piece, vellum and eyelets. Oh and I wrote the wrong date at the bottom - it should be 2005! I did change it on my layout but haven't taken a new photo.

This has turned out to be a long post, thankyou if you got to the end!
Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Gorgeous card

This is the beautiful card that Vicky gave me along with her 'friends' layout she did for the top50 cybercrop. She chose to do a layout about me. I am really honoured and love her words on the layout and in the card.

Thanks Vicky!

January 1-2-3 challenge

I was lucky enough to win the fancy pants chipboard for the Jan 1-2-3 challenge for my layout -this is me now (shown in a post below). I received it yesterday. Thankyou so much to 1-2-3 and Sonia at Forever Always who posted my prize out so quickly.

I actually thought it was the 6x6 boards but they are 12x12 and look amazing. Now what to do with them? Don't you love that enormous crown?
This has arrived just in time to inspire me as my mojo has been lacking lately. There are some great comps on at the moment.
Chookscraps are having a fanastic comp called Right here right now which is all about scrapping our present lifestyle. I thought it was a fantastic idea and imagine looking back in 20 years time and going - OMG did we really do that/ use that etc!
Bon's Scraps is also having a challenge where you can win $75. It involves more than one layout and that's all she's saying atm - come on Bon tell us what we need to do!
Little Scrap Book Shop are also having a major comp involving 12 layouts using certain sponsored products and to be uploaded by 8th May. This is all about 2006 memories - another great idea. There are 14 prizes altogether with a fabulous major prize for the overall winner.
Come on girls let's go for it!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I've been published!

This is the layout that is appearing in SM vol 8 due out in the shops on the 16th. I don't subscribe so can't look at it until then - the wait is unbearable!!!

Congratulations to Vicky, Her niece Lindsay and Charmane (of 1-2-3) that also have poppet layouts in the same mag!

The colours aren't right in the scan. I have used the beautiful Sassafras pp and die-cuts which are blue and green (not yellow)!

Can you tell I'm excited?

Friday, February 02, 2007

Back to School

Well, all is back to normal now that the girls are back to school. I was so worried that I would forget that wednesday was a school day that I forgot to wish DH Happy Birthday until he reminded me. To be fair I was still half asleep!

The girls seem to be settling in OK. Emma has already had an excursion (today), starts swimming with the school next week and has camp mid march so she's not doing it too tough! Both have new teachers so there will be a bit of adapting to do but hopefully they will have a good year.

I'm doing the SBT50 cyber crop tonight. The first challenge is to do a layout about a friend so I'm just waiting for inspiration to strike. I'm trying to think of a friend (only kidding). I have a lovely photo of Vicky so I will do something with that (you are my friend aren't you Vicky?)

hopefully I'll have at least one layout to upload over the weekend!

Happy Scrapping!